Friday, January 10, 2025

Power Doesn’t Corrupt. People Do!

I saw a news item claiming to be from Petauke the other day, where farmers were putting stones and sand in the middle of bags of crop produce to increase their weight as they sold them to authorities. Subtle indicators of selfishness are everywhere, allowing us to extrapolate how and why people behave this way when they get into leadership positions.

How can we expect our leaders not to be corrupt in a society where we, the people, are generally corrupt? This is a question we need to ponder as we grapple with our current societal problems. 

In the words of RJ Rushdoony, there can be no good character in civil government if there is none in the people. You cannot make a good omelet with bad eggs.

Leadership reflects society’s character. You cannot have a morally upright government in a society where the people are not morally upright. Who constitutes a government at the end of the day? Is it not the people of that society?

Zambians ought to reconcile with our true character. Doing so will help us better understand why we have such a leadership crisis in our country. We’ve turned drainage, roads, and any other space into garbage dumps. People want to set up businesses anywhere, but they also don’t want to put up toilets or clean and safe water sources. We have a people that are exceptional in reminding everyone of their rights but are mute on their social responsibility and accountability.

A lot of traffic jams are caused by people who have an inherent belief that they’re superior to others. This is displayed in their refusal to yield or follow traffic flow. During rush hour, we see people driving on pavements and in wrong lanes. Someone will feel that their vehicle is going to a grinding halt, but they wait until the vehicle stops in the middle of the road, thereby causing traffic.

Indeed, the same citizens who criticize government officials for using bribery to purchase votes do not hesitate to offer bribes to guards in shopping malls just to park in disabled spots. The same people who denounce nepotism in government are the first to hire friends, family members, and relatives when they open businesses. Health professionals may lament the embezzlement of state funds in health, but many are comfortable helping themselves to drugs and medical supplies meant for impoverished sick people.

In their defense, critics might argue that "power corrupts people." While their evidence may seem irrefutable, this sentiment is misleading and shifts responsibility from real people onto abstract concepts like power. Power doesn’t corrupt people. Rather people with corrupt tendencies assume positions of power. The actions of corrupt people in power are a continuation and amplification of their normal behavior in society. I call it the law of conservation of corruption.

Now that we have established the root cause of these ills, the questions we must answer are where do we go from here? What factors have contributed to these challenges becoming the country’s original sins? Additionally, what social and cultural obstacles continue to impede the country’s advancement? 

These issues are not fundamentally insurmountable. Therefore, it is essential to consider the necessary elements that could contribute to a viable solution. We need to actively work towards constructing a moral society, where moral standards that uphold ethical conduct are strictly enforced and valued. Put differently, we need to begin building a society where it is deemed wrong to jump queues or throw trash out of the window of your car, and not seen as normal

Correcting societal ills begins with each and every one of us. If we can work on shaping our moral character as a people, the quality of leadership in government will improve over time. As postulated by Joseph de Maistre, every country has the government it deserves

Nothing occurs by happenstance.

Friday, January 3, 2025

Don’t Get Stuck On That Station

In the 2000s, I was doing a diploma in forestry at Zambia Forestry College in Kitwe. My peers had concocted a story that I was using a train to travel to and from college to my home in Chongwe, thanks to my notorious late night travels. Sometimes, I'd arrive as late as past 22:00hrs and friends would wait for me at Kamfisa Turn Off. 

There was this one time, school closed as usual, and I got on a Mitsubishi Rosa bus from the famous Kitwe Main Bus Station, aka KMB. I still wonder why they called it KMB instead of KMBS! Anyway, when I boarded the bus, which was almost full and ready to depart by my assessment, something strange started happening. The other passengers who I found began disappearing one by one. Instead of getting fuller, the bus was getting emptier. 

To cut a long story short, the bus started off at 13:00 hours even when I got into at around 08:00hrs and moved at a snail's pace, arriving in Lusaka close to 21:00 hours. At each new station, passengers would get on and off the bus. Some would stay for just a few stops, while others would ride on.

After getting dropped off at Stenley Bar, I jumped on one of those late Chelstone buses. To the uninitiated, there are two important things to note here: first, Stenley Bar was the only place where buses would drop and pick up passengers after a certain time. Secondly, most passengers including drivers on those late bus rides would be drunk for some reason. And this bus was no exception.

There are two types of people who are naturally humorous: drunk people and kids. And there are three types of people who are likely to speak the truth: drunk people, kids, and angry people. So, the cohort I found myself with was intersecting between honesty and humor. This ride was hilarious and laced with some truth.

When I arrived at the Chi Tank Bus Station, I dropped off and ran down the Great East Road to the Chongwe Bus Station. I found an old Toyota DCM (aka Toyota Dyna Clipper) bus loading, which was headed to Feira in Luangwa. Since it didn't have the aesthetics and had a lot of fish baskets, I didn't get on this one and hoped for the next bus that would come.

After the DCM left, a Toyota Camry driven by a man in military fatigue pulled up. He was alone, and that I didn't trust much. 

In those days, rumors circulated about serial killers roaming free, murdering people and removing their hearts. But that wasn't the strangest part - the rumour claimed that these killers would then use the harvested hearts as bait for sharks. The supposed reasoning behind this gruesome act was that sharks allegedly had precious stones inside them, making them a prized target. It's a ridiculous and chilling tale that doesn't make any sense in retrospect.

Anyway, since I couldn't confirm the validity of those rumors, prevention was definitely better than cure. So, I lied that I was waiting for someone and declined the offer.

Then, vehicles stopped stopping and buses were nowhere to be seen. I checked the time on my Nokia 5210, and it was almost 23:00 hours. I panicked and called a friend who stayed with his sister in Garden Compound. He was cool with me spending the night. I got on a bus to town, dropped off at Zesco HQ, crossed the Great East Road and got on a bus to Garden Compound on Makishi Road. Luckily, I found friend waiting for me when I dropped off from the bus. God bless his soul. I spent the night and only traveled to Chongwe the following day.

Thinking through those events that happened at Chelstone Bus Station. I was waiting for a better transport but I didn't have a clue how it would look. Don't get stuck on that station for the bus which won't be coming. Hop onto that seemingly ugly DCM bus. As long as it moves, it will surely take you to your destination. Get into the Camry and hear this military man’s story. Talking to new people always opens up to new experiences and opportunities.

Nothing is guaranteed in life. Thus, approach life with a sense of flexibility, openness and humility, recognizing that uncertainty is an inherent part of the human experience.

When one fails to seize the moment, one risks stagnating in personal and professional growth. It's like being stuck in a rut, but instead of a rut, it's a comfy, cozy couch that's slowly sucking the life out of you. You'll look back and think, "I wish I had taken that chance or pursued that passion project." 

The consequences of not taking advantage of situations can be severe. You might experience a bad case of "what ifs" and "if onlys," which can lead to regret and a nagging sense of "I could've been a contender!" Throw your hat in the ring now. 

Tick, tock. Be aware of the precious and fleeting nature of time. As I waited on that station, time passed relentlessly and regardless of my circumstances that night. 

Don't let fear, doubt or complacency hold you back from capitalizing on favorable circumstances. Growth happens outside of the comfort zone and sometimes one needs to take a leap of faith to achieve goals and reach the full potential.

Don't get stuck on that station. Keep moving, keep growing, and always be open to new experiences and opportunities. Sometimes, the best option is the one right in front of you. In 2025, go ahead, take the leap and see where it takes you. Godspeed!!! 

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

It Takes a Child to Raise a Village

Reflecting on my journey in a Zambian family is like flipping through an bale of salaula where you are likely to find some of the best designer clothes and also some of the most useless things ever sent to the Land of Work and Joy.

The most influential forces in my life have undoubtedly been women. If we liken life to a football match (and as an ardent Real Madrid fan, everything is football), women have played the role of midfielders – masterfully controlling the game’s flow with their wisdom and occasionally scoring those banger goals like Federico Valverde that change everything. My mother’s endless sacrifices taught me resilience and from all these remarkable women around me, I learned that soft power often strikes harder than any physical blow. However, when you become stubborn, they will show how their power can be ruthless, raw and adulterated. For example, when Mrs Ahab (aka Jezebel) heard what (The Mighty) Elijah had done, she vowed to kill him within 24 hours. Elijah - the man who was able to rain down fire from heaven - was terrified of a woman and fled into the desert.

Back to football.

It’s strange that I cannot play football that well despite being a fan of it, besides wrestling of course. My passion for Real Madrid has been both exhilarating and exasperating. It has driven my ambitions sky high and sparked an impatient hunger for success while also making me somewhat impatient. After all, how can one not develop an urgent attitude when your favorite club can dismiss coaches faster than the way Zambian politicians turn against their own campaign promises? This impatience has seeped into my daily interactions. Who has time to wait when every moment feels like an intense rivalry against Barcelona? I joke, I joke. I am seriously working on this.

My growing up was truly an experience shaped by community living. The adage “it takes a village to raise a child” isn’t just rhetoric here but a reality. Neighbors acted as surrogate parents who would beat you up for what they perceive as a misbehavior. In those days, even though parents were a child's primary caregivers, a family did not exist in a vacuum. Social connectedness was defined as those subjective psychological bonds that people experienced in relation to others. I grew up in a community where even shopkeepers seemed to know your personal affairs better than you did yourself. This communal upbringing instilled in me an unwavering belief in humanity’s inherent goodness. Time after time, I’ve witnessed acts of kindness that left me humbled and convinced that people are fundamentally good at heart. Circumstances - I believe - turn people into monsters. However, my faith in humanity remains steadfast, much like my belief that Real Madrid will clinch yet another Champions League title.

However, the saying “it takes a village to raise a child” now often carries an ironic tone because. While family and friends might visit new parents with gifts to see the baby, there's less expectation that they will contribute to the child's discipline or upbringing. We've become increasingly individualistic. In response to this growing isolation, we've seen a rise in delinquency among the young and restless, as nature abhors a vacuum. Society stands on the precipice. As Chinua Achebe is quoted, first you must chase away the fox before you warn the hen against wandering into the bush. Before pointing fingers at poor parenting, we must take whatever steps necessary to save a children's life.

In reversing the roles, I would say that "it takes a child to raise a village." Bembas have a specific proverb on this, 'imiti ikula, empanga." Children are not only the catalyst for communal change and unity, but also inspire a village to improve, learn, and adapt. Their presence mobilizes adults to better themselves and the village's environment. This also reflect a commentary on the roles children play by reversing traditional dynamics where they lead adults to grow or where their needs shape community actions. Everyone is so fixated about leaving a better planet for their kids. Very noble. However, we must also have a similar fixation with leaving better kids for our planet. Any society that starts to take the wellbeing of children seriously, it will have to change so much that the wellbeing of everyone will be accommodated. It's a no brainer. 

As I conclude, my journey through life has been shaped by the vibrant tapestry of Zambian community life and the relentless passion for football. Despite the challenges posed by an increasingly individualistic society, the foundation laid by the collective wisdom and village continues to guide me. I pray to the Good Lord to help me contribute to a world where the village still helps raise the child. Ultimately, (and despite these quirks) my life (I think) has been enriched by countless lessons learned from relationships forged along this journey filled with an acquired passion for football and deep-rooted connections within the community fabric. If there’s one thing I've gleaned from all this, it’s that life is unpredictable like a Lusaka bus conductor.

Friday, December 13, 2024

A Brush with the Broadcast, Brew and History in 1997

On one sizzling morning of 28th October 1997, I woke up insanely early. My mission was to dash over to Chelstone Small Market, though for the life of me, I can't remember what I was supposed to fetch. Maybe it was the elixir of life, as my mum called it. She made it clear though, I had to be back before 09:00 AM sharp, just in time for school.

Going outside, everyone was glued to their radio as there was this man calling himself Captain Solo announcing that he had taken over the country. He even said he fired all the service chiefs and gave President Fredrick Chiluba up to 9:00hrs to surrender or face death. And he intended to form a Government of National Redemption.

My eyes widened like saucers. I ran back to tell my mum, but she was already listening with a frown on her face.

"Is Captain Solo like my school captain?"

I tried my luck at making light of the situation.

She just looked at me in disapproval and mumbled something about me liking to joke about serious situations.

In Kamanga compound back then, the news spread faster than a bushfire in the dry season. Mr. Phiri, who lived next door and loved his Band 2 radio more than his own family, was already out, shouting about the coup and adding colour commentary to it.

"There is a coup and Captain Solo has taken over the country. He claimed he has been told by an angel to cleanse the MMD government."

He bellowed, his voice echoing through the narrow streets.

Bana Pamuku, who sold fritters and cooked sweet potatoes at our school’s Zanzibar and used to show up at break time was passing going about her endevours without showing any uncertainty on her face like everyone else.

She ran past our house, shouting, "I’m late for the business today!"

She didn't even know if school would be open, but she ran like she was on a mission for Captain Solo himself.

Then there was Ba Tembo, perched on his rickety wooden stool like an owl and his back curved like the Alick Nkhata Flyover Bridge. He had his legs crossed in such a way that you'd think they were playing a game of Twister with themselves. In one hand, he cradled a cup of the local brew, they just used to call it ‘7 Days’ back then because it took 7 days to brew. Apparently. As he sipped, his eyes squinted with the delight of a man who's found the secret to eternal contentment, or at least to a good buzz. His face was caught in the morning sun, turning it into a mosaic of wrinkles and grins. Each sip seemed to tell a story, and if you listened closely, you could hear the legends of his youth, or perhaps just the satisfied slurp of a man enjoying his moment in the sun.

"Don't worry, this Solo character will be forgotten before I get drunk," he said. “I have seen this before in 1980, 1988 and 1990.”

As the clock got closer to 8:00 AM, everyone was talking, guessing, and some even planning, like it was a big football game to be commented by the son-father TagTeam of Dennis and Ponga Liwewe. But then, the radio crackled again. This time, it was a different man. With his voice stern, he said Captain Solo was caught, and President Chiluba was still in control of the country.

True to Ba Tembo's prophecy, by 9:00 AM the putsch had been quelled.

As expected, mum cancelled the initial plan of sending me to the market. It was actually for the better, as most offices and shops never opened on that day. Hadn't these people heard that the putschists were arrested and that the president said we should all go back to work? I wondered. Maybe we all just needed the day off, just to reset.

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Food For Thought

Kennedy Chanda stumbled back home, reeking of something that could only be combination of Kachasu, Chibuku and tujilijili. He was humming a beat of Michael Jackson's Smooth Criminal only that he would become inaudible when singing the vocals. Whatever he remembered in his grey matter, he burst out laughing in the midst of the song. 

His brain brain was clearly multitasking as it also needed to coordinate and balance the walking despite the alcohol affects on the cerebellum. Sometimes he would stand still for what seemed like days, swaying from side to side like a reed in the Kafue River, as he waited for the brain to reconfigure the movements and the tempo in his steps. 

It was clear he had a great time out with friends: drinking, clowning and jiving. 

When he reached home, his wife, greeted him with a warm smile and a steaming hot plate of nshima, Zambia's most sacred dish. He devoured the meal like he was about to die, savoring every bite. Especially the flavorful relish made from dried pumpkin leaves and what he thought was small fresh fish.

"Ah, you've outdone yourself, my dear!" Mr. Chanda exclaimed amidst his gulps of water as he washed down the meal.

"This relish is just like my mother used to make on the shore of Lake Mweru in Kashikishi. You've added the perfect touch with the small fresh fish!"

Mrs. Chanda's expression which started with smiles changed to confusion. 

"Small fish? I don't remember adding any fish to the relish. I only recall using pumpkin leaves and small pumpkins."

She de-strung a pile of pumpkin leaves, and cook them by simmering them with small tomatoes just for a few minutes until the leaves are tender and sumptuous. 

At least that’s what she remembered doing.

As they stood in stunned silence, the sound of crickets and the creaking of the old house seemed to provide a soundtrack to the suspense.

The couple exchanged skeptical glances. Mr. Chanda insisted he had tasted fish, while Mrs. Chanda swore she hadn't added any. 

Determined to resolve the dispute, Mrs Chanda rummaged through the house for some papers, pushed them on the fire which was almost going out, too a deep breath and blew it out on the papers that were now smoldering. 

Once lit, she carefully approached the pot, now empty except for a few lingering leaves. Peered inside whilst tilting it at about 45 degrees so that Mr Chanda can also see what was in the pot.

They gasped simultaneously.

Mr. Chanda shrieked. Huffed. Puffed. Covered his mouth. 

He felt the entire booze leaving his body instantly. "Oh no, I’ve just eaten a lizard!"

The small fresh fish was, in fact, a lizard – cooked to perfection – that had fallen into the pot from the eaves of their grass-thatched house. With his his inebriated antics now dissipated, Mr Chanda's thoughts were on the food he had just eaten.

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Religion Matter

Out of boredom, I recently found myself watching a documentary titled “What Is A Woman” by Matt Welsh. If the content of this film has any truth to it, then civilization is hurtling towards a self-destructive trajectory. I urge you to watch it and draw your own conclusions. For me, this all stems from efforts to remove religion from the significant role it has played since the dawn of time.

You see, many people derive their sense of control and motivation from external sources. Fear of the law, societal judgment, or family opinions often dictate their behaviors and belief systems. Left unchecked, our inherent nature can manifest negatively. This is where religion plays a crucial role in taming our primal instincts and encouraging humane behaviour. 

Unfortunately, many individuals require the threat of eternal punishment to act with compassion, decency and integrity. This dependence on external controls highlights a sobering reality: without these constraints, the average person may struggle to demonstrate truly humane qualities.

Throughout recorded history, religion has played a vital role in every major, sustainable civilization. Most people have relied on the guiding principles religion provides. Interestingly, some individuals now turn to "science" as a substitute, yet struggle to define fundamental aspects of humanity like what a woman is. Organized religion, especially when taken literally, may seem illogical or even exploitative, particularly to skeptical minds. However, its primary function isn't to explain the universe or creation. Instead, religion serves as a moral framework to prevent unchecked human free will from descending into self-destructive behavior.

While other human laws address criminal acts, they often fall short in navigating moral gray areas due to political correctness. This is where religion steps in, providing essential guidance. The collapse of religious influence typically leads to societal implosion, highlighting the crucial role it plays in maintaining social cohesion and moral stability.

I shudder to think of the world which will bequeath to our children. So if you have beef with religion, do not - I repeat - do not pass on that beef to your kids. Introduce religion to your kids, they have more to gain than lose once they are from that position.

I will conclude by stating what should be the obvious. These so-called "free thinkers" are merely attempting to swing the ideological pendulum from the far right to the far left. This shift seems retaliatory, and religion is collateral damage. I wish that the proponents and constructors of the new definitions of gender and sexuality would listen to and analyze perspectives that do not align with their narrative. I hope they stop shifting the burden of proof and labeling the request for due diligence as harassment. 

Ancient Greece thrived as the center of civilization because they allowed debates in the Agora and Pnyx. These debates were not just about winning arguments; they were about fostering a well-informed and engaged citizenry for collective decision-making.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Luck, Privilege and Limits of Hard Work

With a global value of $41.2 billion as at the end of 2023, the self-help industry marshaled by motivational speakers and bestselling authors, often peddles a very simplistic formula for success: work hard, stay focused, and believe in yourself. While these principles are essential, they overlook the most important factors that significantly influence an individual's potential for success like privilege and systemic inequalities. The lady who wakes up at 4:00 AM to go to Soweto Market to order vegetables for her corner stand doesn't need to read the 5AM Club to boost her mental focus and reach peak performance. The bus driver and conductor who wake up even earlier to pick her up with other passengers, do not need to read 48 Laws of Power. The vegetable farmer who despite the drought still travels all night from Shimabala to reach Soweto Market early enough for the vegetable lady does not need to read Who Moved My Cheese. The farm worker who picks vegetables to take kids to school and cater for her livelihood doesn't need to read Rich Dad Poor Dad. Privileged people wrote these books and they often claim that poor people are poor because they do not work hard or/and aren't smart enough. They overlook the immense effort and dedication that many individuals put into their daily lives just to make ends meet and exist. 

The reality is that success is not a linear journey, but depends on a number of intrinsic and extrinsic factors usually outside a person’s control. Nothing in life is liner because our existence and success is contingent of how the ecosystem react and support our journeys. For instance, a person born into a low-income household may need both hard work and a kiss from Tyche (Greek mythology) or Fortuna (Latin) or Lady Luck in accessing quality education, healthcare, and opportunities. In this article, I acknowledge what I term the social determinants of success.

One's background and the surname they carry plays a significant role in determining their chances of success. We are all too familiar with the concept of powerful and influential names in Zambia. There are names which are found in every sector and everyone knows them. Unfortunately, I cannot help the uninitiated and list these names here because I cannot afford neither a lawyer or food whilst in police cells. But having those name alone opens doors and gives you access to opportunities. And that group has subsets made of those that benefited from post-independence politics and loyalty; those born into royalty, and; those who benefited from the privatization program that happened in the 1990s. The newest new money group got its money between 2011 and 2021. And since life isn’t a movie and wealth doesn’t have the emotions of humans, all these families have created a great generational wealth, education standards and family values that are still standing today. These are names that have controlled pretty much everything in Zambia since Independence. A familial backdrop, thus can either provide a springboard or create obstacles to overcome. Working hard doesn’t sort out this problem.

The second issue is the enabling environment. The ecosystem or environment surrounding an individual can either foster or hinder their growth. While working in the Pondo area of Chama district, I encountered a boy (let’s call him John Doe) who had been in Grade 7 for 4 consecutive years. This wasn't due to a lack of nearby secondary schools; in fact, Chikwa Boarding School was only about 10 to 20 kilometers away. However, his family lacked the resources to send him there. What made his situation particularly heartbreaking was that he was the best student in his class, consistently acing the Grade 7 exams each year.  Still in Chama and now in Sitwe of Chief Kambombo, a young boy who was a community school teacher and grade 4 girl (let’s call her Jane Doe) who was his student decided to elope. When asked why they did that, the girl boldly stated that she is the one who initiated the relationship because she wanted to be respected in the community as a ‘Mrs Teacher’ and she felt she was to dull to be in school. Now, both Jane and John were hard workers in every definition of the word. But the environments were not supportive, in fact the environments were an anchor tied to their respective ankles dragging them down the abyssal plain. Even the great escapologist Harry Houdini would find it hard to escape in such an environment. Things like access to quality community support and mentorship can provide the necessary tools and resources to help individuals thrive. Conversely, systemic barriers can stifle potential no matter how hard one works or the exuberance they exhibit.

The last but not the least thing I want to talk about is network or connections. Who you know can be just as important as what you know because in addition to doing everything already discussed above, it can enhance credibility and reputation. Motivational speakers will say building and leveraging a network requires intentional effort. But connections are influenced by factors outside one's control, such as socioeconomic status or geographic location. For instance, individuals from affluent backgrounds may have more opportunities to attend prestigious schools, join exclusive clubs, or participate in high-profile events where they can meet influential people. The digital age has introduced new dynamics to networking inequalities because digital networking still requires access to technology like a smartphone and the internet even a SoChe Bundle, which is a barrier to Zambians since 60% of us are poor.

Let me conclude by stating that when I find a motivational book or speaker who doesn’t use the oversimplified "work hard and succeed" narrative, someone who acknowledges the social determinants of success, maybe I will start listening to them. A motivational speaker who acknowledges that a person from a low-income background may face limited access to quality education, which affects their network and future opportunities. Someone that acknowledges that an individual with a disability may encounter environmental barriers, limiting their access to resources and social connections. Success is not solely the result of individual effort. No. The background, enabling environment, and connections, while not exhaustive, play a significant role in shaping our outcomes.


'If wealth was the inevitable result of hard work and enterprise, every woman in Africa would be a millionaire.”


Power Doesn’t Corrupt. People Do!

I saw a news item claiming to be from Petauke the other day, where farmers were putting stones and sand in the middle of bags of crop produc...